No Cash? The Best Free-to-Play Games on PS4 and Xbox One

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It doesn’t matter how well-curated your game collection is. Sometimes you just want the excitement of a new game. Sadly, games aren’t usually cheap. If you’re anything like us, you can’t always justify spending £30-50 on the latest triple-A title.

So what do you do to scratch that new game itch? Simple – you turn to this here list of the best games you can download and play for free on PS4 and Xbox One.

Free to play (or ‘free to start’) might have a bad name in some parts, but these ones are actually worth your time. Let’s find you a free new game.

PlayStation 4 free-to-play games

Smite (12+, 6.8GB)

Smite F2P PS4 Game

Smite is a 5-v-5 MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) game available on PS4 (it's also on Xbox One), and a top-notch one at that. Its close-up camera makes it feel more like a Bayonetta-style action game than other MOBAs. It’s had great reviews and is actually really fun to play.

What do you get for free? You get the whole game, but you can unlock more stuff faster by buying ‘gems.’ It’s a lot like a mobile F2P game in that respect.

Get it on PlayStation Store

World of Tanks (7+, 27.6GB)

World of Tanks

World of Tanks has been around on PC since 2010, and that cooking time shows in the quality of the game. This tactical tank battle sim also has a decent-sized online community, so it’s easy to find opponents. If you fancy an online tank battle and you’ve got plenty of HDD space, download this.

What do you get for free? Importantly, you can unlock everything without paying if you put the time in. The in-game purchases are time savers more than anything.

Get it at the PlayStation Store

Also available

  • The Four Kings Casino and Slots – a social MMO based in a casino with optional in-game purchases.
  • War Thunder – a World War II dogfighting MMO with PC and Mac cross-play, which doesn’t force you to spend money.

Xbox One free-to-play games

Killer Instinct (16+, 29.69GB)

Killer instinct

Whether or not you remember Killer Instinct’s on SNES and in arcades, the Xbox One reboot is a visually stunning fighter that’s also really fun. Now in ‘Season 3’, KI’s roster of 20 characters includes everyone from the original two games – but you can only play as one for free.

What do you get for free? You can play all modes without paying, even online matches. You’re limited to one character, but the free character changes every couple of weeks. So you do get to try out the roster.

Get it at the Microsoft Store

Project Spark (12+, 2.43GB)

project spark

Project Spark is a game-making tool with a ton of possibilities. You can make racing games, platformers, horror games – someone even made a Minecraft clone with it. You can also play community-made games, and play Conker’s Big Reunion, the first new Conker game in 10 years.

What do you get for free? Everything. There are over 2,000 assets to include in your games, and nothing is locked behind a paywall.

Get it at the Microsoft Store

Also available

  • Pinball FX2 – highly-rated sim with one free table: Sorceror’s Lair. Licensed tables including Star Wars, South Park and Marvel start at £2.39.
  • Smite and World of Tanks – our top PS4 picks are available on Xbox One too.
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