The 2020 holiday season is now almost upon us, which marks a thrilling time for video game players in particular thanks to the arrival of next-gen consoles and all the enticing offers available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. But what if you’re a parent or close friend wanting to treat the gamer...
Depending on whether you were able to secure your PS5 pre-order back in September, tomorrow will either be an exciting or anxious time for a large portion of the gaming audience. You might find yourself eagerly waiting for the delivery man to show up or are questioning if you’ll even be able to lay hands...
It’s been a frustrating time for players wanting to purchase a PlayStation 5 here in the UK lately, with Sony fumbling initial pre-orders back in September and a continued uncertainty about when stock will return. However, all hope isn’t seemingly lost yet, as Amazon UK recently emailed certain customers with news that it will indeed...
There are many reasons to love the latest instalment of Ubisoft’s trademark open-world series, but I think the moment when everything clicked for me was during my pursuit of an Anglo-Saxon warrior. Fleeing from the village longhouse that I had just invaded, our chase quickly moved from land to sea with me arrowing her designated...
Announced way back during 2019’s Game Awards ceremony, Microsoft’s planned successor to the Xbox One is a technical marvel in the history of home consoles. Serving as a 4K-equipped “tower of power” releasing Holiday 2020, the Xbox Series X was revealed on stage by the head of Xbox himself Phil Spencer, being pitched as the...
While it might seem strange to already compared two consoles months ahead of their official release, the fact of the matter is that so much information regarding PS5 and Xbox Series X is out there, that it’s really not too tough a task to do so. Both consoles, for instance, will be arriving sometime in...
Update: All PS5 console sales on launch day, November 19, will be online-only. No units will be available in-store for purchase.More info:— PlayStation UK (@PlayStationUK) November 5, 2020 We knew that the UK entering lockdown the month when next-gen consoles were due to launch would impose challenges, but Sony has now confirmed that...
It’s no secret that the Nintendo Switch is the gift that keeps on giving. After all, in just three and a half years we’ve been treated to a slew of great special-edition console variants. The latest, as revealed this morning in a Nintendo UK press release, again centered on Fortnite and featuring exclusive in-game gear....
I really admire the kind of vibe developer Supermassive Games is trying to build and, in some ways, recreate with its annual series of Tales from the Crypt-esque interactive ghost stories. The Dark Pictures Anthology may have officially kicked off last year with the release of Man of Medan, but any PS4 fan will tell...
Because the current world we’re living in isn’t quite dystopian enough for Ubisoft Toronto, Watch Dogs: Legion has finally arrived to let us roam a politically crippled near-future London that’s now being policed by a private military outfit. Brexit has happened, job losses are abundant due to the increased reliance on tech and, oh, the...
Well, well, well… It’s here. We’ve made it. November 2020 is not only a month stacked with huge video game releases, but it is in fact the month responsible for kicking off the next generation of consoles. And as you might imagine, this means that November is stacked with Triple-A releases to sink your teeth...
Sure, it hasn’t been that long since subscribers to Xbox Game Pass were given the ability to rip and tear their way through hell by way of 2020’s Doom Eternal, but already Microsoft has outlined the next batch of games arriving on its streaming service soon. Said games become available as early as tomorrow, though...
The next console generation is now just around the corner, meaning that those who have secured their Xbox Series S|X pre-order will likely be wondering what games will be playable on day one. The truth is that this question is a little trickier than before, as technically all Xbox One games are readily compatible with...
Unofficial PS5 faceplates are already a thing, thanks to this third-party manufacturerThe PlayStation 5’s UK release is now less than a month away, which has seemingly inspired some third-party accessories manufacturers to make a play for people’s money. The seller in question is the aptly named PlateStation 5, who has already begun listing unofficial customizable...
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that it had been a staggering five years between the release of this and the previous Transformers game. Because although they’re by no means limited to them, these robots in disguise have been the subject of many video game tie-ins throughout the years - with varying results at best....
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