WARNING: This article contains some imagery and video that you may find offensive. It may also contains spoilers. The article should also be considered NSFW. Feel free to turn back now. Should you decide to read on, scroll back up here and click on this link to feel better. Mafia III is available to buy...
The original PlayStation 4 has received a substantial price drop today - available for £149.99 - making it the cheapest current generation console ever.
The PS4 Pro is a super-charged, overclocked version of Sony’s existing console and is the most powerful games console to ever come to retail.
The first sighting of the PS4 slim, the console to rival the Xbox One S has been spotted online. Spotted by a Twitter user, the slim was spotted on Gumtree
Prices are expected to start at £249 for the 500GB and £299 for the 1TB. UK will see an Xbox One S 500GB bundled with FIFA 17 at launch.
Is PS4K Behind Uncharted 4's Graphics Downgrade?
It doesn’t matter how well-curated your game collection is. Sometimes you just want the excitement of a new game. Sadly, games aren’t usually cheap. If you’re anything like us, you can’t always justify spending £30-50 on the latest triple-A title. So what do you do to scratch that new game itch? Simple – you turn...
We’re all about finding the best prices for the best console bundles. One method proving popular is to buy an EU console bundle. But is it safe?
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