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Base is an online exclusive retailer based in the UK, who’s quickly built up a reputation for being home to great video game offers since its 2001 launch. It might not be as well-known as Amazon or Currys PC World, but this status allows Base to stay competitive and more flexible than some of the bigger game retail options out there. Prices for games on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and Xbox repeatedly also undercut those of its competitors.
Base won’t be much value to those wanting to bag a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series S|X. Instead, Base has specialised over these past 12 months in regularly keeping stock of next-gen accessories like the Dualsense charging dock and Xbox Wireless headset. Each accessory is also almost always priced at significantly less than RRP, letting players enhance their next-gen experience while simultaneously saving money.
Black Friday is the best time to grab a brand new TV for your set-up; so we've rounded up the best deals for Black Friday 2024 for you.
Want to spread the cost of a new Nintendo Switch console on a finance agreement? We reveal which leading retailers offer the best finance deals.
Regarding new controller colourways and having options, Microsoft is killing it. As a result, we thought you might want to see a round-up of every single controller released since the Xbox Series X and S hit shelves back in November 2020.
A guide to Elgato's NEO range of streaming equipment, ideal for starting your streaming journey.
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